Bedtime Belly Buster Bundle

Did you know that consuming protein before bedtime can help you feel fuller and boost your metabolic rate? The Bedtime Belly Buster (or BBB) is a sweet bedtime treat that combines IsaPro® with Fruits™ or Organic Greens™ to satisfy late-night cravings. This helps keep you on track to burn that stubborn belly fat!

  • Sleep better and burn fat. 
  • Boost your metabolic rate.
  • Satisfy late-night cravings.

 Boost Metabolism & Burn Fat

Consuming protein before bed can support muscle and boost metabolism to help with weight loss.

Sleep Better

Sleep Support & Renewal™, a product in the Bedtime Belly Buster Bundle, can assist with getting a restful night’s sleep which is also important for weight loss.

Satisfy late-night cravings

Replace common sweet treats at night with the delicious and nutritious BBB!

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